Workout 3

This warm up is key for helping improve your mobility. A mobile, limber joint is necessary preventing injuries during your workout.

Warm up

-20 yd jog/20 sec

-Hip flexor stretch x 6/leg

-Leg swing overs x 6/leg

-Quad stretch x 6/leg

- Ankle hops 30 sec


The focus of today’s workout is to build muscular strength and endurance.

The first two movements will focus on building strength and endurance in our upper body. Remember to keep a flat back throughout these exercises

-Wide arm push up x 10

-Mountain climbers x 30 sec

-Forward lunge x 10/leg

-Squat jumps x 10

-Cross crunch x 15/side

-Sit ups x 15


Perform this for at least 2 rounds. I hope you enjoyed this workout. Have a great day and keep training hard!!



Workout 3


Workout 2