Workout 5

This warm up can be done inside or outdoors. The key to a good warm up is that it both activates and loosens up the muscles and prepares them for what they are going to experience in a workout

Warm up

-Jog 20 yds/20 sec in place

-Leg swing over x5/leg

-Butterfly stretch x20

-Ankle hops 30 secs

-Hip flexor stretch x5/side


The focus of today’s workout is to build strength and speed in our legs. In order for us to get faster, we must first get stronger. The two go hand in hand.

-Lunge walk x 20 yds

-Squats x 30 sec

-3:1 hop x20 yds

-Lateral 3:1 hops x20 yds

-Single leg hops x10yds/each leg

-Plank x 15 sec

-Right side plank x 15 sec

-Left side plank x 15 sec

-Crunch x 15 sec

-Carioca x 10 yds

Try this workout for 2 rounds to start. If you have more gas in the tank, try another round for good measure. I hope you enjoyed this workout. Have a wonderful day!!



Workout 6


Workout 4